You can convert your Excel sheets into a Smaply journey map. In this way you can bring information into Smaply from other tools such as Jira, Asana or Google Sheets.

Here are the steps to go through to import from Excel:

Organize your Excel sheet

Each cell will be imported as a step.  Prior to importing, reorganise your excel sheet so that each cell represents a single idea/step.

Quick tip: try to structure your excel sheet like this where each cells contain only one idea/step:

Select the file and sheet to import

Select the excel file to import and the sheet within the workbook.

We currently only bring in the text from Excel. The cell color will come through as the default color.

Organize lanes and step content

Once you have brought items into Smaply, if you need to you can make changes to each step and organize into the structure that you’d like in your journey map.

On the canvas you can:

  • change text

  • change sticky note's color

  • rearrange steps and lane order

  • add and delete lane steps

Choose lane type and name

As a final step, you will get a preview of what your journey map will look like in the Smaply journey editor.

You can also:

  • select a lane to be a title lane; or
  • give each lane a name

Confirm import and open your journey map

Now you can collaborate with your team on the journey map in the standard Smaply interface.