You can cancel your account anytime, without any additional cost.
Cancel a paid subscription
Monthly subscription
You can cancel your subscription in your user settings - manage subscription menu. Then please click on cancel subscription. Your account will automatically locked before your next billing cycle - you don't have to do any further action. You can continue using Smaply until then.
There will be no additional, unexpected costs.
Steps to cancel your subscription:
Annual subscription
If you are on an annual subscription, you can cancel your subscription anytime. Please just drop us a line to [email protected] or to your key account manager. We'll get your subscription cancelled before your next billing cycle. There will be no additional, unexpected costs.
End of trial
Since October, 2021 we offer FREE plan and discontinue to have trial account. But if you still have an active trial account, there is no risk of running into an automated subscription. As soon as your trial ends, your account will be locked and that's it. You will be able to upgrade your account to FREE, BASIC or PRO under Manage subscription menu.