Enable others to make direct changes to your personas, journey maps, and stakeholder maps by inviting them as a user to your account. 

You can manage who has access to which project and even invite external stakeholders or your client to your project.

Multi-user management

Every user in Smaply belongs to one or more organizations. If multiple users are allowed to access an organization/project, each can make changes on different journey maps and personas.

You can:

  1. Invite new users to see all the contents of the organization
  2. Assign users to single projects

1) Inviting new users to the organization

To invite new users, navigate to your account settings and then go to "users in organization" on the left-hand side.

After you registered for your Smaply account, there is only you in the organization. To add new users to your organization please follow the steps below. Please note that you need to have Admin rights for the organization to be able to do this:

  • Click on your username on the top right to get to the user settings menu.
  • Click "Users in this organization".
  • Enter the email address and first name of the user you want to invite

The user will receive an email with a confirmation link. By clicking the link they'll be able to set their password and then have access to your organization depending on the role you gave them.

2) Assigning users to projects

You can assign and unassign users to a project as soon as they have confirmed your invitation.

To add users to projects please follow the steps below. Please note, that they first need to be added to your organization before you can assign them to projects. Users with the role "Manager" and "Admin" will always see all projects, no matter if they are assigned or not.

Go to the project overview of the project you want to assign users to.

  1. In the right sidebar, you see an area "Assigned users"
  2. Click the "Add users to this project" button to select and assign the desired user. Please note that by assigning them they will have access to all personas, journey maps, and stakeholder maps within this project.

User roles

There are four user roles with different rights: member, creator, manager, and admin.

Members can only work on projects they are assigned to. Creators can create new projects and work on all assigned projects. Managers can see all projects, create new ones and assign existing users to projects. The admin is the only one who can invite new users to an organization and handle everything related to the billing of an organization.

Also, if you have two projects at the same time, you e.g. assign 3 users to project A and 3 users to project B so they can only see the projects they have rights for.

To give admin rights to another or a second person, please get in touch with us, we're happy to get this done for you.

Enterprise-only feature: viewer and spectator user role

Viewer user role (enterprise-only feature)

This user role is available for our Enterprise clients. The “viewer” can watch journey maps, stakeholder maps, and personas in a read-only state but can not actively edit them. It works as a "read-only member" role.

Spectator user role (enterprise-only feature)

This user role is available for our Enterprise clients. The "spectator" user has read-only access to all projects. They can watch journey maps, stakeholder maps, and personas in a read-only state, but can not actively edit them. It works as a "read-only manager" role.

This is only a rough overview of the different user rights – you can find a more detailed user role description here.

Using avatar color to visualize user roles

In your account settings, you can pick a color for your user avatar. You can also use this color for user categorization, for example, the sales team gets blue avatars, and designers get red avatars.

Changing/reassigning users over time

The account admin can delete and assign new users anytime directly in the account settings. I.e., once you deleted a user, you can invite a new one.
Depending on the default number of users, according to your monthly billed plan (e.g. 3 users for Regular), you can also invite additional users. Those additional users will automatically be billed with your next invoice. For the cost of user add-ons, please check our pricing page. If your account runs on an annually billed plan, please get in touch with us and we'll be happy to do this for you.

Re-assign user licenses:

If you don't want to exceed the default user number, you have to unassign one user from your account first and then invite a new one. That does not affect any of your content.

Download user overview

On the Enterprise plan, as an admin, you can download your user overview as a CSV file by clicking on the top right corner of your dashboard, then choosing the "users in organization" option.